Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Stately Affair

AGB will be at this weekend's Victorian State Championships for as much as can be managed.

Thus far, attendance at Saturday evening's session (IDP 10-Snr Day 1) is confirmed. Friday is a possibility too.

Unfortunately I still don't have a working laptop, so that means I don't really have anything to upload videos to if I take any. That said, I am definitely not ruling out filming.

But don't despair, bloggerinos - have smartphone, will tweet! You can always follow my tweets, live from the event, at


  1. I'll be filming. I'm so excited - hoping for some beautiful performances and that everyone performs the their abilities. Good luck to everyone competing!

  2. Aceness! I'm excited too. I will be there with Misty so hope to find you in the stands! Will definitely watch out for ya.

  3. Hoping I might be able to get Monday off work and come -- with two friends!

    Do you think we'll be right getting tickets at the door?

  4. Videos are up on

    That's all I have, nade00 should have more.

  5. i'm uploading atm, but they take ages because they're HD.

  6. Yeah, I went for the low-definition shortcut. Plus my family members wouldn't have thanked me for uploading several GB. So go watch nade00's videos because they're better than mine!

  7. Hehe, will watch both of course -- no such thing as too many gymn vids! Thanks so much, Nade.

