Thursday, April 5, 2012

Who's That Girl

Ash Brennan features in the latest Who magazine edition, as part of a "Most Beautiful Olympians" feature. As if we should really be surprised!


Anonymous said...

She is a very beautiful young lady. Lovely photo!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo of a gorgeous and talented young lady!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone qualify at trial 1 ???

Anonymous said...

It must be next weeks Who cos I just recieved my Who in the mail - the issue with Victoria Beckham on the front - and there was no Olympic feature in there at all! :(

Bmyhr said...

The magazine came ut Wednesday. It is a "special Edition"
WHO's Most Beautiful 2012. It has Miranda Kerr and baby on the front cover. Link to the Who Home page

Anonymous said...

Netty is on the RCH appeal NOW

Anonymous said...

Yep, saw her do a couple of tricks. She's still got it!

Anonymous said...

I have looked everywhere for this edition and can't find it! Are you sure it's out? Why would they have two issues in the same week? They never do that and I've been buying Who for years. I really want to get my hands on this issue but I've looked in servos and newsagents and supermarket - even at the airport where they always have a great selection of mags and are always very up to date, but to no avail! :(

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon 2:33 AM
Yes I purchased a copy of the special edition WHO's most beautiful 2012 magazine. Copy and paste the link
into your browser and it will take you to WHO Home page where it is advertised.