Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pop'd, Locked and Loaded

London sneaks ever closer!

Get a sneak peek of Lauren Mitchell working with Adriana Pop at camp in Canberra in this news footage.


Anonymous said...

Is it just my computer or does that video take absolute AGES to load? Slowest video ever.

Anonymous said...

just your computer...mine was fine.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I've had probs loading it too.

Anonymous said...

Off topic (kind of) but channel 9 aired London ad this morning, featuring lots of different sports/athletes. Surprise surprise, no gymnastics grrrr.

Anonymous said...

Try going to the ABC site and watch it from there. Much better

Anonymous said...

That add has been airing for a few weeks..
Anyway, I got a tear in my eye while listening to the national anthem because i imagined the next time i might here it will hopefully be when lauren is on the podium in London!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4.30pm, thanks for the ABC suggestion. Yep, that video loads infinitely faster.

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