Saturday, June 16, 2012

London Calling: Trampoline/Artistic

HUGE congrats to Australia's sole selected trampoline gymnast to the London Olympics, South Australian superstar Blake Gaudry!

Lucky Blake, also our current national champion, has been featured on channel 10, 9 and Sky News since the announcement.

Below is his routine from the 2012 Olympic Test Event final.

In other men's gymsport news, episode two of Tom and Josh's Road to London web series is now up:

Not much news out of Camp WAG, I'm afraid, except that the girls had a bonza time at their "80s Night". Gotta let your hair down sometime!

Here's Lauren Mitchell doing just that in a Team Visa downtime segment:

You can 'cheer' for Lauren at


Anonymous said...

hope we get to see of those 80s night photos lol

Carlo said...

Wow the things you gymnast do are amazing! Great video and keep up the awesome training. Gotta love Trampolines.