Sunday, August 5, 2012

Olympics: Trampoline

The life of a trampoline gymnast really is full of ups and downs.

I tuned in to catch Blake Gaudry's two qualifying routines. He did a fantastic first one to place 9th in the rankings, then unfortunately had a stack in his second and misses the final, finishing 13th.

Gaudry unfortunately does not get the chance to better Jai Wallace's silver in Sydney, but goes away from London with a bouncing bounty of memories... including meeting some royals!


Anonymous said...

Awww poor Blake, I felt sorry for him with that lonely, big fat '0' in the comments section, so just wanted to say good effort in getting to London Blake!

Anonymous said...

he seems to have really soaked up the Olympic experience as well, getting out and about etc!! We watched the start of a reply of the AA final on foxtel last night, me and my family all commented, whether you come first or last, just getting to the Olympics should be celebrated as an achievement in itself!

Anonymous said...

Great effort Blake. Just getting to the Olympics is fantastics and congrats to you. It may not have been his day but it was awesome just to see him there competing with best in the world. Well done Blake

Fun Spot Trampolines said...
Every once in a while, every trampoline owner, will need some trampoline parts parts. Most of the times, there will not be problems with the actual frame of the trampoline - there shouldn't be. However, there could be multiple problems with the mats, pads, or springs. These can be easily resolved, by replacing them with compatible parts.

Unknown said...

There are many types of stunts people do in Olympic trampoline and people can use trampoline at home for practices.

Trampoline parts