Sunday, July 14, 2013

News As It Breaks


In tonight's blue ribbon artistic all-around final for women...

Leydin (Snr) and Eade (Jnr) take top honours as competition comes to a close.

Leydin 51.225 
King Koi 50.875 
Godwin 49.975 
4 Munteanu
5 Brown

Eade 53.875 
Fusha 48.975 
Neate 48.850

(Thanks for the updates Tracy!)

And in the men's senior and Under 18 team event, Queensland takes top honours over Victoria!

Quotes from Liddick and Sachs via the AOC here.


Anonymous said...

horrible competition. A real low spot for this sport in Australia.

Mez said...

The medals haven't even been handed out yet, yeesh! There's work to be done but I'm sure it wasn't entirely "horrible"! Falls aplenty, sure, that much was clear. But those on the scene told me there were some bright spots in amongst all that and several of them came from athletes were able to recover from a fall(s).

And with a LESS THAN IDEAL competition like this it's more crucial than ever to get behind the athletes and let them know we're still supporting them on the road to worlds. There are footy teams that are consistently low on the ladder but their fans don't give up on them. Why should gymnastics fans be any different?

This was the first big outing since the "keep everyone at home and work on difficulty and consistency" tactic was put in place. And there's still EF to come. That might prove to be the least fall-ridden round of competition yet.

Anonymous said...

Also, this tactic of Peggy's keep them home etc is worth a try. I remember around 2004 Peggy's philosophy was to get the girls to compete as much as possible....which has its merits...but quite honestly, that method hasn't exactly ended up with amazing results either. So I think its good Peggy is trying something different.

Three spots for worlds - I would predict Olivia would get one as her bar routine is great if hit (I believe) and she has the comptiitve experience over everyone at this point. It is unlikely she will embarrass herself at the very least....and then I guess Peggy will take two AA.....or maybe only one. They gymansts that are eventually chosen for worlds will probably do ok. If we had to put up a team of 6 or something we would be in trouble, but this is not the situation this year.

Anonymous said...

Wow, very interesting position for Australia. If GA stick to thier so called strict selection criteria for International comps, none of our Seniors should qualify and a lot of work is still needed. I would keep them home and not send anyone to Worlds. Looking at the quality of what is out there currently Internationaly , it would be embarrassing to send our girls at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I must be missing something here, how does someone with 2.800 difficulty on floor qualify to compete at National Championships.?

Anonymous said...

JRN International AA Result

Eade 1st

Neate 2nd

Fusha 3rd

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:19
Yep you are missing something. It's called injury management

Anonymous said...

IMHO, Peggy should stay true to her 'stay home and work on upgrades' philosophy and not send anyone to Worlds.

Anonymous said...

If someone is that injured that they have to reduce thier D score so much, then don't risk competing. Plus the general public don't understand injury management, they just think they are not up to standard. GA seem to contradict every thing that they said about having strict guidelines for competing. It's just laughable how they go about things.This is not a criticism of the Athlete. Also its a shame to see high D scores on paper that are obviously not ready for competition which is shown in the execution and reflected in the scores.If this s a worlds trial then surely they fall under the required scores for selection?

Anonymous said...

Gymnastics in Australia is no where near world standard, no one deserves a pat on the back for this weeks championships. Peggy wont send the girls to worlds it would be to embarrassing. you have to feel for the gymnasts and parents who put in so much hard work, time and money only to be given false hope.

Anonymous said...

In an article on ninemsn, Peggy was quoted as saying about nationals:

"I am very happy with the gymnasts and the personal coaches who did the work in the gym and had the courage to get out on the competition floor and compete at a world class level," Liddick said.

"We've raised our standards and those athletes and coaches who work the hardest will be the ones who take Australia to a podium finish."

That woman is delusional if she thinks a)we're competing at world class level, and b)we're a chance at a podium finish anytime in the near future. Who is she trying to kid? Herself?

Anonymous said...

Yes, totally agree after watching the videos, she is delusional and Sach wouldn't disagree with Peggy!

Anonymous said...

I understand what everyone is saying but you also have to look at it from the other side. There has definitely been a big increase in the difficulty scores of the gymnasts routines even if there were a lot of falls. There were a couple of d scores or potential d scores that might podium out there if given some more time for increased consistency and development. Some of the victorian girls were putting some release release connections on bars and Olivia Vivian from wa did a inside stalker full to shap half. Fingers crossed for the same increase in difficulty in the next period of time to come. And definitely fingers crossed for increased consistency!

m said...

after seeing some of the videos of the floor routines... man, they are just crying out for a good choreographer.

Nik said...

It is still early in the season but I don't think this worlds will be a good one for us. I also worry about Comm Games, we've been gold medalists for so long but I have to say I cannot see us getting up ahead of Canada and England. Canada is on the up and up and England have been nipping at our heels for a long time.

The fact that the best vault we put up was a Y1.5 is a good indication of the lack of difficulty we're presenting. There were only a few routines with difficulty that is acceptable for the international stage. I have no problem with a stack of falls if the D scores were showing a huge amount of promise but they were disappointing too.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:39...

Easy to sit on YOUR fat arse and attack, rather than actually post something of substance.

Anonymous said...

Ooh someone hit a nerve

Mez said...

Guys, c'mon. Be better than this.

Anonymous said...

The gymnasts have definitely increased their difficulty but not consistency, bar routines have gone from seeing one release to multiple! I know the code asks for that but it means changes are being made, difficulty slowly added on everything except vault. I think they should now knuckle down and improve consistency until falls are rare in preparation for worlds and comm games, Canada are showing world class gymnastics (watch Victoria Moors double double in layout!)
It would be good if Alex Eade was age eligible!
Overall good effort girls and dont give up :)

Anonymous said...

Why is difficulty not improving on vault?

Anonymous said...

Emma's beam.

Anonymous said...

The consistency will always fall back on the coaches and how hard the athletes work. If you get a skill consistently in training, it's likely you will be consistent in competition. If the coaches decide to put skills in a routine that aren't ready (which is evident from a lot of the VWHPC girls and their amount of falls), then the result is almost predictable, I think these girls need to go home and do routine after routine until they can hit. Then they will be successful. If we keep sending out athletes competing skills they can't even hit in training, then it's hardly worth them competing those skills is it?

Anonymous said...

Well said!

Anonymous said...

If these girls stayed home and continued working on skills and missed nationals, the same people like anon 9.44am would criticise them for not attending and criticise the programs for not having athletes ready at certain times.

Part of preparation is competing skills on the competition floor. You may not think they are ready and you may think they are no good but it is all part of the preparation. Some of the d skills being out out there by the gymnasts are new and not always something that can be learnt in a few months.

So not so much 'well said!'

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:13pm

NOT well said lol

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to an opinion. There are obviously 2 trains of thought here - whether to focus on attaining and performing more difficult skills consistently, or whether to get out there and get more competition experience. Both are important. Both have pros and cons.

Anonymous said...

Well anon at 1.13PM, you are entitled to your own opinion, but being personally involved in gymnastics for years now, I have enough experience to know that sending athletes out to compete skills they aren't ready or consistent with will end in falls.

An athlete will be ready if they work hard enough to be ready, so missing competitions is only a problem if the athlete has not worked hard enough. Obviously other things factor into an athlete missing a competition such as injury, but personally I would never write an athlete off for missing a competition if it will help them in the long run. Yes I agreee with you that an athlete needs to compete a skill to consolidate it under pressure, but what I'm saying is, the athletes need to train consistently so they can learn skills and compete them properly, cleanly and safely.

Part of consistent training means a good preparation, which does not include learning a new skill merely weeks before a competition and just throwing it in a competition routine and hoping for the best!

I never mentioned keeping girls home from competition, as this can be counter productive, rather I mentioned that they go home and work hard on their consistency so that when they do have do compete, they are prepared.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7.45
Thank you for the opinion of reason. A rarity on this blog. Could do with less amateur opinions and more professional experience in these comments.

Anonymous said...

Maybe an insight from one of the competitors might help. Luke Wiwatowski has a bit to say on the matter here ...

Anonymous said...

I've got an idea!!!
Lets give an opportunity to our GA administration to prepare the Olympic medalist. They know how to do it, right?

Anonymous said...

Really off topic, but does anyone have a copy of the Montage Chava Sobrino made of Alex croaks transition from gym to diving?

Or does anyone know what the music used in the background of the vid was called?

Wanted to use that music and vid has disappeared :(

Anonymous said...

I think they should still send some girls to Worlds this year. They might not do very well, but the experience will be so so important to them, and I think will serve them very well for the rest of the quad. Leydin and Nedov for example, would be so much better prepared and experienced in 2014 if they are given the opportunity to go to Worlds this year than if they weren't. And hey, maybe it'll take an utter embarrassment on the world stage to light a fire up their backsides and ensure a good 2014!

Mez said...

The significant thing is that improvement doesn't happen overnight, and difficulty doesn't just spring out of nowhere.

As I've said, this was our first major outing of the new crop since the renewed approach to the national program post-London. I think some of the stuff we were seeing is great and I do believe the program is heading in the right direction (at least, a better direction than it has been in recent years). Markelov-Geinger, Memel salto, double layout, shap halfs, hellooooo nurse! I'm loving seeing just a few more bhs-flic-layouts on beam after an eternity of bhs-loso sequences month in month out.

It IS going to take time. A frustrating amount of time but that's the crux of it. It might seem to us like stagnation but I really believe we've taken a step back to start taking two big lunges forward.

Anonymous said...

Pac Rim is in British Columbia, Canada in March next year but no one has mentioned it at all. What juniors and seniors do you think will be sent?

Anonymous said...

Anon at 7:50

Couldn't agree with you more. At WAIS the chosen few were already picked out back in early 2009, and the coaching and opportunities they have had compared with the other 2016 girls is laughable. The system is a complete joke and makes fools of many unsuspecting parents and their daughters. Cannot wait for the day my daughter realises the place is screwed and decides to get out!

Mez said...

Sweary and staunchly misogynistic Anon 7:50 and onwards, this isn't the outlet for you. I'm sorry. But it's not appopriate and your comments are being deleted.

Anonymous said...

What cannot handle the truth Mez, our national coach is a disgrace and for a few blasphemous words you feel it is your right to delete my comments? It may be your blog but we need the whole of GA overhauled and gymnasts that win at Nationals be given the opportunity to train overseas with the others.

Mez said...

You're welcome to dislike the choices or methods a coach puts in place.

But as a female blog moderator I will absolutely not tolerate misogynistic language, however passionate you feel about the matter. Yes, not blasphemy - I'm an atheist, deities don't cut the mustard with me in day to day life - but downright misogyny towards the female head of the national program. I feel like you should write a letter to the head office as it would be more effective than shooting your mouth off at me just because I asked you to watch it.

Information about the national strategy post-London has been diclosed to me - in small measure - and what was reiterated was the point that "politics" and "favourites" and "disgrace" are OUT of the picture, out as strongly as everyone assumes they are in. No, I can't vouch for why some assignments happen and some don't. But I am quite sure they happen with a much greater level of liaising (with athlete and family) than we think they do.

Anonymous said...

Who won at nationals but isn't heading overseas?

Anonymous said...

is that the development camp in USA? if so the AA winners are all going. however this trip was planned before Nationals. The girls were picked long before.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to hear that politics and favourites are out Mez. GA would go a long way to showing this commitment by publishing selection criteria for GA funded events.

Anonymous said...

Georgia Godwin and Amaya King Koi were not invited to America.

Anonymous said...

Also noticed Francheska from WAIS not on list - I guess girls/coaches may have chosen not to go? There are a number of girls senior,junior and IDP 10 I thought could have been on the list -but then again I got the Olympic team wrong so who knows....

Anonymous said...

Only one person knows who's going and picks the ones that are favourite, she'll never change

Anonymous said...

ok- so what makes a kid a favourite - that way we can prepare our kids?

Anonymous said...

The girls going to the US have to be 2016 eligible so that left out any IDP 10 girls who are not. Does anyone have the list of girls--supposed to be about 13 of them? I only know of the ones from our club. Or will GA publicise the list?

Anonymous said...

It is on the GA website

Anonymous said...

um, GA lists the 12 gymnasts attending the camp in the USA, and there are actually 14 gymnasts listed. So either they can't count or can't type! Which one is it??

Anonymous said...

Really, 6.55pm!? You couldn't find anything else to bitch about so you chose a typo? Get over yourself!

Anonymous said...

I will bet now that the squad picked for the USA camp will be who they pick for any Olympic trials/camps/squads. As I have said before the powers that be have already picked who they want & who they will give every opportunity to...

Anonymous said...

That is correct, and the girls that train just as hard if not harder suffer because of it. Should all be results based and that's final, but not while the rent a Australian is in power

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of hogwash. All the returning seniors from last year that are still training are not at this camp. It's just a camp, it has no deep meaning other than an opportunity for a certain age group

Anonymous said...

Lauren Mitchell isn't at camp and even though she has had surgery Im sure she is still a superpower/contender for the cg. Any info on her return?

Anonymous said...

You have jr 2nd and 3rd around the wrong way. Neate was 2nd and Fusha was 3rd

Anonymous said...

why wasnt emma nedov picked to go to camp? she hit 6.2 on beam and surly must be in the running for worlds or com game?? or is it just that the caochs are not politicle enuf?

Anonymous said...

I think it's a valid criticism

Anonymous said...

you would think they would be able to count

Anonymous said...

it wasn't a bad competition, sachs was impressed

Anonymous said...

does he even know anything about gymnastics

Anonymous said...

probably not

Anonymous said...

Isn't he from volleyball or something?

Anonymous said...

July 28 7:11pm - what an angry little individual you are. I feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Emma Nedov just came back from Russia, I doubt she would want to travel again for a training camp.

Anonymous said...

that was just a job, no idea what sport he actually played, if any

Anonymous said...

Wow. There are so many uneducated comments on here lately. If you don't know, don't speculate. It doesn't help things. As far as I know Adam does have a gymnastics background, as both a coach and a gymnast.
And for those bashing the National Head Coach, we didn't hear any complaining when Lauren won her Worlds gold, did we?
I think some people need to back off a bit.
Saying all selections should be made on results is silly to me, especially for things like camps. The gymnasts who are showing attempts to upgrade their difficulty should be the ones selected for those opportunities, rather than those who play it safe to win.

Anonymous said...

well there you go, you shouldn't assume he doesn't know anything

Anonymous said...

that wasn't me

Anonymous said...

well someone did

Anonymous said...

Petty she didn't coach Lauren, just took all the accolades!

Anonymous said...

just askin, geez

Anonymous said...

he doesn't necessarily need to know about gymnastics skills, it's more about managing people and pathways

Anonymous said...

Sorry could someone tell me who the Sachs person is and there position and what is the latest on Peggys position. Also does Peggy visit all the gyms to see the girls in training, or more time at any one gym and not just comp. This could be good or bad for some!

Anonymous said...

who cares what Peggy does or Adam does!? It's gymnastics! Get a life u sad ppl!!

Anonymous said...

so what are you doing here??

Anonymous said...

do you say that to people whenever they talk about the football or cricket?

Anonymous said...

The 'get a life' poster should just stick to their year 7 studies instead of reading/posting on here lol

Anonymous said...

As a casual follower of gymnastics I come here from time to time to get a sense of what's happening in the sport.

No more.

It seems to be dominated by nasty teenage girls and bitter mothers.

Bye Oz Gym Blog.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:51 - that's my impression too. Ill keep reading mez's articles but will definitely not be bothering with the comments anymore. I thought netball was bitchy but geez gymnastics takes the cake now!

Anonymous said...

all of youz need 2 chillax! itz gymnastics only yeh?

Anonymous said...

mmmm, cake

Anonymous said...

You have to be 17 and under to attend the US camp which is probably why the returning seniors are not there

Anonymous said...

I do believe Georgia Godwin was born in 1997 which would make her 16 at the most

Anonymous said...

And I would guess there are age eligible gymnasts as well

Anonymous said...

Yes exactly! Georgia should be at that camp.

Anonymous said...

I realise the big push for 2016 but there are many very good gymnasts who fall just short of 2016 but they need the experience as well shouldnt criteria on who goes to camp and other assignments be on achievements and results. How are these kids ever going to compete against these girls for spots on worlds and commonwealth 2018 if they are never given a chance. Coaches dont focus on them as they arent 2016 in other countries if you are good enough you go, not to everything but at least more opportunity is given...bit dissappointing makes you wonder if its all worth while...but they love the sport.

Anonymous said...

Soooo, why is Olivia Vivian at the camp? She didn't exactly "Shine" at Nationals. Yes she won bars but it wasn't an amazing routine! Favourites! Yes ,alive and flourishing in Australian Gymnastics. I would rather have seen a younger gymnast have an opportunity than a struggling Senior.

Anonymous said...

If you had to under 17 to attend the camp, maybe Olivia Vivian was there as a 'mentor'? She's a golden girl in Peggy's eyes, that's for sure!

Anonymous said...

when is national clubs?

Anonymous said...

which ones?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mez said...

Liv might have paid her own way there? And as someone said - gone as mentor/chaperone.

Might've done the asking if she could attend? Rather than the other way around?

Anonymous said...

trampoline clubs is on now

Anonymous said...

WG is in November

Anonymous said...

What's the criteria for having a post deleted?

Mez said...

Derogatory (usually speculative) remarks about an athlete/official/club or myself - more often than not showing a clear intention to get a rise out of me or other readers.

There have even been a couple of instances where a parent or club staff member has contacted me provately asking for certain comments to be taken down because they are distressing, triggering or downright untrue. For either themselves or the athlete(s) they involve.

Anonymous said...

Ok, thanks for clarifying. I've come here before looking for posts I'd previously read, and wondered why I couldn't find them anymore.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to get some informative information about gymnastics from this post for a change!

Mez said...

I now have more information for the anon that had a good old snark about Olivia Vivian and her presence at the IGC earlier - she is indeed a "Celebrity" mentor at the camp alongside the likes of Blaine Wilson and Lisa Mason. This involved both taking part in a Q and A session AND actually, physically coaching participants. I am quite sure she SHINED in the eyes of those kids. More info at the link below.

Mez said...

Anon 7:39 who needs some help with spelling - either link us to evidence talking about a second trial or don't make the claim.

I have no patience for trolls.

Anonymous said...

trolls aplenty

Anonymous said...

second trial confirmed. September 1 AIS. 5 girls offered.

Anonymous said...

see. u dont no eveything!

Anonymous said...

Confirmed where? Where is the announcement? No one was saying it wasn't happening - just want to know the source.

Anonymous said...

troll confirmed it

Mez said...

Again - can you tell us where/how it has been confirmed? I can't find anything at Gymnastics Australia so some validity of your claims would be appreciated.

Unless it's hearsay, or has been requested to not be disclosed yet.

Anonymous said...

Brown Leydin Vivian Nedov Monckton?

Anonymous said...

Guarantee you those names are not correct!

Anonymous said...

Brown Smith Jones Bloggs?

Anonymous said...

It's correct there will be a trial for 5 invited girls. Their coaches were contacted this week. Why should there be an announcement?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.