Monday, March 10, 2008

Flippin' Insane!

From one Commonwealth nation to another...

I'd like to give a shout-out to Canada's Peng Peng "Christine" Lee for her astounding beam work. Here she is at the recent Gymnix international event in her home country; you can search yourself for her Pan American Games routine where the overly parochial Brazilian home crowd jeered her for wobbling and falling. Disgraceful.

So here she is and yes, that IS a flare mount(!)
There are any number of expletive adjectives I could use right now to precede the word "cool" to describe her repertoire (which I believe is around about a 7.5 difficult level?) but I won't. Let's just say there's a certain stellar teen from Iowa who's looking at some stiff competition right about now...

Anyway, back to the lecture hall for me, the time for procrastination is ove-- ooooh! Wouldja look at that. I just got a lovely email from a struggling entrepeneur in Nigeria who wants my banking details...


Anonymous said...

Big skills! Thanks for sharing.
It would be nice to see her hold her form and point those feet! Perhaps with futher work this will develop.
Is she age eligible for Beijing?

Anonymous said...

Fortunately for said Iowa teen, Peng Peng Lee is fourteen and not age eligible. I really like her original beam mount; insane difficulty, but not a fan of her form. It's sad her gym's closing; I wonder what will happen to her.

Mez said...

Yeah Peng-Peng's too young for "Buh-JING" (as I heard one standup comedian call it the other night) but just wait for the comp season once she turns senior!

Anonymous said...

Whilst i agree she does have quite a lot of difficulty in there, her form is quite sloppy - bent legs, toes not pointed and i have to say on a personal level - hate the flare mount - would like to see mounts count for something to stop the boring ones that are currently about but leave the flares to the biys

Mez said...

Having questionable form hasn't stopped gymnasts getting high scores under the new code and really stretching the 'artistic' in 'artistic gymnastics' at present.
I was just highlighting her proficiency at such a young age, form notwithstanding.