Sunday, July 1, 2012

Writing Home From Camp


Gymnastics Australia have given us a nifty update from camper and Olympic reserve Olivia Vivian, on the mood at camp and the all-important team trial.

We also have episode 5 of Tom and Josh's Olympic journey vlogs to check out!


Anonymous said...

aww show us Layne on the tramp and rings!

Safe travels boys.

Anonymous said...

Have you all seen the USA Olympic Trial posted on USA gym! I love the way they have invited everyone to the Olympic trial and are all rejoicing in the celebration. They are posting all the scores as they happen. Why can't Peggy conduct her Olympic Trials in a similar manner? Then the general public could see why those girls in particular were chosen over other girls trialling.

Anonymous said...

plus they interview all the gymnasts, and then post the videos of those interviews, so everyone gets to know the gymnasts a bit better, which is brillian imho. Shame though that I now know more about the USA gymnasts than our own.

Anonymous said...

Peggy would probably like to do this, it is Gymnastics Australia that does not have a contract with any television station. It is Gymnastics Australia that cannot afford to rent a facility or set up a podium for an Olympic trial. In Australia, not America, things have to run on a shoestring. Stop comparing USA to Australia. It is not the same. NBC sponsors USA Gymnastics, paying them millions for the right to broadcast the trials. NBC has a veiwing audience of over 50 million who will watch this event. Sponsors flock to those sort of ratings. It is a different world in USA.

Anonymous said...

...which is why Aus will never be able to complete with the USA on the world stage.

Anonymous said...

You are right.

Anonymous said...

We have a current FX world champ, they dont! we are what we are, which is aussie through and through. We have a great team, with great reserves. I am sure they will give 100% at the olympics. Great work Liv Viv for keeping us up to date as possible. Look forward to hearing what else has been happening with the lead up.

Anonymous said...

An article that is forever applicable to EVERY country and EVERY fan.
Including Australia and everyone on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Even if they don't have the interviews there should be no reason why they can't have a public trial with the scores displayed online. I am sure anyone of us would volunteer to interview the athletes and put it online for free. Look at Josh and Tom. They simply interview each other and they do a great job. Doesn't have to cost a bundle.

Anonymous said...

To Anon at 4.30pm. Thankyou for putting up that link. I hope people take the time to read and reflect. These young athletes not only work their butts off, but also have to put up with reading personal rubbish about themselves. I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

Mez said...

While I understand we don't have the budget and arenas for things like this, it'd be cool to see a team get a send-off like this one day, instead of everyone being hustled out of the arena at the end.

Unknown said...

This year Olympic will be the best Olympic competition.I enjoy every Olympic but this year will take different competition.
Australian will do better than previous year in Gymnastic competition.
Thanks to all

nade00 said...

Some more nationals pics- next Juniors, New Zealand and IDP 10s, then IDP8s and 6s:

Senior Team Final (Australians):

Japanese Team:

Senior Podium Training:

Anonymous said...

Sorry Anon 3.24: We don't have a current FX world Champion.
Lauren won floor in 2010. She lost that title in 2011. Yes she is amazing for winning that title, but that was nearly 2 years ago. She is NO longer the World champion as everyone keeps saying, she is a FORMER world champion on floor.Although I thought Olivia's report was very entertaining and very positive, I don't feel it would be total account of the camp. She would only be able to write about what GA WANTS people to know about. I bet it's not al " sugar and spice " behind the scenes.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Totally agree anon 1.55. What anon 9.53 am has said is in fact correct. It has been very misleading how GA or the Media keep reporting Lauren as a the World Floor Champion. She no longer holds that title. She was the Floor Champion in 2010.
Don't know what your problem is anon12.03pm, perhaps you could explain what the issue is but using better language.

Anonymous said...
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Mez said...

I suppose it's their way of getting people to notice the sport, by still alluding to the title.

(Though it makes me think of former US presidents still being called "Mr President"...)

Anonymous said...

What Olympic sport gets what the USA garils had in oz ... No sport not evine are most popular sports have/ do anything like this

Anonymous said...

Where will the traveling reserves be based?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't think they get to stay in the athlete village though, which sucks.

Anonymous said...

Thay are not official olimpiones that is y

But yes it sux

Anonymous said...

I talk to one of the girls in camp over the phone and even though they are training hard she sounds very happy and excited to be there. I don't get any indication that she is not enjoying the camp and it seem quite balanced with very hard training but meeting their social and mental needs as well. Thanks Beggy. And a big thank you to Liv for her updates and the odd photo. Keep up the good work (more photo's would be good :)