Both will be updated LIVE as the competition unfolds, and apparently BGtv will have selected qualification highlights available for viewing tomorrow.
Good luck, Lauren!
(ETA live scores rolling in here)
UB: 12.500 - apparently she fell on overshoot to handstand
BB: 14.300
FX 14.775
Lauren has qualified in 1st place to the floor final and the beam final, as well 8th to the bars final! Onya Loz!

BGTV has videos available to view here.
what happened to lauren? checked qualification results and she's not listed
I think they are warming up now. I see Lauren listed as doing bars, beam and floor.
Yes. Anon 11:09 it hadn't started yet.
silly me, checked a dodgy results link! my bad
Great results again for Lauren qualifying 1st beam & floor and 8th bars. Good luck for finals.
Wow! First 4 gold medals at Delhi, then floor world champion, then 3 gold medals at Stuttgart and now she's in the finals for floor, beam and bars (qualifying first for floor and beam) at Glasgow! She is amazing!!!
she loves her gymnastics, works harder than anyone else, her coaches are dedicated.......supportive system & family around her.....AUS needs a few more with her work ethic, it is not a secret, let's get busy team!
Lauren is amazing alright. Glasgow finals she came 1st on floor and beam and 3rd on bars. What a stellar year for Lauren, congratulations.
Well done Lauren you are fantastic, all your hard work and determination has paid off!!!! You are a true star and fantastic role model.
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